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Benedictus - Karl Jenkins

Benedictus - Karl Jenkins


Karl Jenkins’ “Benedictus”, the penultimate movement from “The Armed Man: a Mass for Peace”, is now firmly established as a classic in its own right. In the words of Guy Wilson, former Master of the Armouries and commissioner of the parent work, “even the survivors can be hurt to destruction by war. The Benedictus heals those wounds in its slow and stately affirmation of faith”. This new publication makes the Benedictus available for performance as a separate work, with piano accompaniment. The score includes the iconic introductory cello solo part on its own page, although performance with cello is optional. The edition is compatible with that in the complete Armed Man vocal score and therefore with the work’s scorings for orchestra, ensemble, brass band and concert band.

Regular price €4.50 EUR
Regular price Sale price €4.50 EUR
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