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Neujahrslied op. 144 - Schumann, Robert

Neujahrslied op. 144 - Schumann, Robert

Schumann was right in the middle of the preparations for the performance of his oratorio Das Paradies und die Peri when he wrote the sketches of Neujahrslied. How much vocal music meant to him is shown by the foundation the year before, i.e. in 1848, of the society Verein für Chorgesang initiated by Schumann. Choir practice and choral composition were to have a stimulating influence on each other which shows in the reviews of Neujahrslied: 'This is truly expressive choral music, being the product of a mind as sensitive as it is intelligent; both declamatory and melodic, the thoughts are full of fortitude and touch the listener's heart.' Schumann's little known late work is a rewarding addition to the repertoire for accomplished choirs. The score is based on volume IV/3/1,2 (RSA 1032-20) of the Schumann Complete Edition.

Regular price €19.50 EUR
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